Sunday, December 16, 2012
"Chopped and Screwed By New Wave Dyke" now on Bandcamp!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Just letting you know that AVRCRC don' gon' be BLOWIN' UP in November!
Just got the tracks for An Evening With Rob and Rosa at the Super Piano Bounceyball! This is one long piece for modified organ! Imagine a character from a Hayao Miyazaki film: A lumbering, wooden, sentient, robot made from Wurlitzer organ parts. Creaking slowly, dropping gumball machine rubber balls, wheezing and galumping towards you. This will be on a C30 and no doubt look and sound fantastic! Here's an excerpt:
AND! Working on the ALKOR/NEBRASKA USA artwork right now, too! Just got word from dudes that they'll be having a release show for this tape, so if you're in Baltimore--you've been warned!
And if that we're enough, our own NEW WAVE DYKE will finally be finishing the much anticipated "SENSITIVE MALE ALBUM"! An all covers affair featuring a few FM lite rock favorites faithfully redone on Casio, Drums, Guitar and Bass! Sung with a boyish earnestness that only NWD could muster. No irony allowed! Perfect for your next make-out party! WATCH THIS SPACE!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
AVRCRC0029 The Dirty Soxx "Formerly Known As The Ham-Fisted Barber" DIGITAL RELEASE!!!!
Thrown together by sheer fate in an Otsego, Michigan rumpus room, brother (Scott, Drums-18 at the time) and sister (Kelsey-Vocals, 10 years old at the time!) are aided by AVRCRC Head honcho Ian D. Piirtola for a frenzied pixie stix-snorting freakout, blaring loud'n proud!
The concept was simple: whatever words popped into Kelsey's head, a song was written around it on the spot! Bass was later overdubbed (all in one take to preserve improvitablity!) The result is a delightful squawk and splang bash-fest with a healthy dollop of hooks!
HEAR Brother and sister argue MID-SONG!
HEAR Kelsey expertly recite a report on Babe Ruth over a half remembered stab at Survivor's "Eye Of the Tiger"!
HEAR Pure 10 year old rage at the world: Skittles suck!, Arthur sucks! YOU SUCK.
HEAR frenzied drumming dash around cheap guitar mangle 'em, strangle 'ems! Bass appropriately rumbles and grumbles beneath vocals not always pointed at the mic, due to constant live-action tantrums not heard since Barney quit!
released 20 September 2012 Kelsey Stephenson-Vocals, Lyrics Scott Stephenson-Drums, Vocals Ian Piirtola-Guitar, Bass Overdubs, Occasional Squawk
Recorded in fall of 2002 by I. Piirtola on a Tascam 414 mk II
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sneak peek at AVRCRC0028-Nebraska, USA/Alkor split C30!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
AVRCRC0026: New Wave Dyke Chops and Screws J-pop! (and some K-pop)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
AVRCRC0023 ROBERTS "Jeriquoi yah wangettik mnuutah" C60 OUT NOW!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
New Wave Dyke on Haltapes!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Trippin' Balls gets the digital treatment!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Anyway, here's the "libretto":
"A team of scientists are persecuted for creating an epidemic of uncontrollable hair growth and good ol' fashioned "Space madness". While the world falls into hairy peril, a huckster tries to sell the remaining humans a Positron Accelerator, a benefit rock concert loses it's focus, conspiracy abounds and someone gets something stuck in their eye. In the end the scientists stumble upon a cure for the hairy uprising in the form of urine. With enemies vanquished, new wave music triumphantly blares into the sky as the credits roll... "
Have a listen!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
AVRCRC0021.5 FACTORIES "Feelin' It" E.P.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Track one Track two And track three!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Sneak preview of AVRCRC0022 New Wave Dyke's "Sensitive Male Album"
Don't Give Up (work in progress)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Four years in the making and this is what you get: The sound of Three Six Mafia farting on your pillows and calling it a Bill Wither's remix. Shitter's full.
Listen here!:
This tape is $5 PPD