Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I don't even know what the fuck is going on here. Primitive dance tracks rendered with sub-Mo Tucker caveman poundage, synth grunt and processed-beyond-belief Prince-worship vocals; Radio samples, chants, beeps and beats looped and pedal-jacker processed on the fly to tape! In between the humping there are sweaty back porch finger picking interludes and a few beard and ponytail synthesizer odysseys. Sounds like someone's blasting Luke Skywalker's "Bass Waves Compilation" through 12 blown speakers with optional chipmunk chorus. A bonafied summer jam if'n I ever did hear one! Cover star: Christine Lindberg (please don't sue me, thanks!) $5PPD
Check it out!

AVRCRC0023 ROBERTS "Jeriquoi yah wangettik mnuutah" C60 OUT NOW!

I used to have dreams in which my consciousness would leave my body and shoot up to the ceiling. In a split second I would be nose-to-tile-hearing every sound imaginable. An organic orchestra of everyday sounds woven together: shimmering rumbles, blasts of wind, skateboard wheel and car tire thrummm, jackhammers, conversation and then, when you least expect it: a wash of mutated tones comes in. That's pretty much what this tape sounds like. AVRCRC is extra-tasty-crispy proud to be the vessel for the first release by Rob Peterson and Robert Greenwood-or ROBERTS-if you please. $5.00 PPD

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Wave Dyke on Haltapes!

Lots in the works, but in the meantime...New Wave Dyke contributed a moody thumper called "Nite Flight II" to Hal McGee's "Connection International Compilation" tape comp! Can't hear that shizz anywhere else! It should be on volume 3 or 4! Look for it on HalTapes this month! http://www.halmcgee.com/ https://www.facebook.com/notes/hal-mcgee/haltapes-cassette-label-2012/10150783053031459

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Trippin' Balls gets the digital treatment!

Another vault exclusive! (it's a big vault.) I found a copy of the TRIPPIN' BALLS cassette from 2009-poster, lyric sheet and hand painted self help cassette still intact! AVRCRC thinks the world is now ready for the psychedelic hardcore finger-bangin' that is TRIPPIN' BALLS! Heck, if you wanna buy the digital album, it comes with a PDF of the ACTUAL LYRIC SHEET, POSTER AND...well, a picture of the tape. BUT STILL! Either way, have a listen!